Book a Session: +44-7766-121574
Book a Session: + 44-7766-121574
For more details, contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible
Do you feel tense? Faced with uncertainty? Need to make an important decision? Feeling unclear about the right path for you? Do you have relationship problems? Health problems? Business problems? Looking for love and for the right relationship for you?
Channeling therapy is the fastest and most effective solution for you, through which you will receive correct and accurate guidance that includes practical tools for change.
Spirit Guides Channeling is suitable for anyone of any age and in a wide range of topics: love, relationship, health, family, parenting, studies, work, business, relationships, and any other topic.
Through the channeling you will receive important information from your spirit guides that you couldn't receive in any conventional way, and thus you will be able to focus, make correct decisions, balance your life, heal emotional and physical wounds and fulfill your destiny in life.
The session is about an hour and is done via Zoom, by phone or in writing, at a cost of $50 for half an hour or $100 for an hour.
You are requested to bring to the session up to three main topics that will be focused on. We will discuss your topics and turn them into clear questions, while during the channeling itself you can expand and ask additional questions on each and every topic.
After the questions are prepared, I will connect to your Spirit Guides, ask "them" the questions, receive answers from them and pass them on to you, in this manner an actual conversation takes place between you and your Spirit Guides.
Every person has Spirit Guides that accompany him/her from the moment of birth, which consists of angels, light beings, souls of the deceased and other different sources from realms beyond the physical world.
Most people can communicate with their higher guidance through intuition alone, but I was gifted with the ability to communicate with “them" just like a normal conversation between people, I have the ability to see and hear them and I conduct in-depth conversations with them for my clients.
Receive guidance on; business moves, business partners, customers, investments, purchases, motives, interests, preferences and other different types of information that is very helpful in making business decisions, designing strategies, taking certain steps and more.
I adhere to absolute discretion
I do not limit the number of questions
I speak in a down-to-earth manner understandable to all
I provide solutions to all you doubts and queries
I am attentive and aim to assist and help in every matter
I adhere to absolute discretion
I do not limit the number of questions
I speak in a down-to-earth manner understandable to all
I provides solutions to all you doubts and queries
I am attentive and aim to assist and help in every matter
Can I ask about the future?
You can get answers about the future. Sometimes they will be very accurate and sometimes not. The reason being that the future depends on our actions in the present and therefore if we act differently in the present, it will affect and change the future.
How much does a session cost?
$150 for a one hour session
What questions can I ask?
There is no restriction, you can ask any question on any matter and on any topic. You can ask personal questions and also very general questions about the country, the world, the universe, science, philosophy and any other topic.
For more details, contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible